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Besstel Leaflet



Supporting BAME with suicidal thoughts & Emotional issues

Are you or someone you know feeling suicidal, bereaved or having emotional issues?

Call Besstel for confidential and non –judgemental support

Suicidal Feelings / bereavement or emotional distress

This feelings can be distressing, terrifying and frightening. You may feel alone and may no longer see any reason to live. You may experience panic attacks or anxiety each time you think of “what to do next”. You may start to have difficulties dealing with friends and family which can make you to feel withdrawn and isolated

Emotional difficulties may come in various ways e.g. financial difficulties, family issues, bereavement. Marital issues, poor sleet etc. You may find that you are unable to speak to anyone especially those close to you due to fear of being misunderstood or judged. It is often easier to speak with someone independent of the difficulties you may be experiencing


Besstel offers Crisis support

Home visit or telephone contact in a safe and calm environment to discuss your fears and anxieties

Confidential 1:1 support with experienced befrienders /outreach staff

Arrange ongoing support and referral to other services needed

You will have plenty of opportunity to talk with a befriender who through skilled listening can enable the thoughts, feeling and circumstances that underlie the crisis to be explored

Advocacy services

Supporting BAME with suicidal thoughts & Emotional issues

If you or someone you know is feeling emotionally distressed, bereaved or suicidal, do call or email us to explore whether Besstel may be able to help. We will call to build a trusting relationship We will organise telephone or face to face assessment Ongoing support until crisis is resolved or referred to more appropriate service needed

Unfortunately we are unable to support people who are currently: Misusing drugs or alcohol Suffering from acute and complex mental health problems which are beyond our expertise

Give with a purpose

Give with a heart

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

Breaking Stigmas

Breasking Stigmas Building Resilence

Image Accordion #4

Celebrate world Mental Health Day

Besstel Foundation is a community Link project


Call us on Tel. 07508026641/07578 531710/ 07946 595152

The Community Link Project is a 3 year project funded by National lottery through Community Fund.

The purpose of this project is to support people from Black and Minority Ethnic Groups (BAME) who through stigma are unable to seek support for their emotional distress.  The project is to take Besstel into the community to engage and support services that are working with high risk or hard to engage groups, to build and maintain links with other service providers, to provide share experience with professionals within voluntary and public sector and to promote Besstel’s non-medical model

Our community Links and Outreach workers works within South London

For more information about our Community Link project, please email

Frequently Asked Questions

I have no support, will Besstel help me access other services?

We will discuss and try to identify other services or organisations that may be helpful to your needs.

Do I have to pay for the services Besstel provide?

We make no charge to guest, though if you choose to make a financial donation to Besstel Foundation it is always appreciated.

Will Besstel inform anyone that I am feeling suicidal?

We perfectly understand the need for people for confidentiality and we will only share your Information with other professionals or your family with your permission.

Write us for more information on donations