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A key limitation within the BAME community is the pervasive lack of awareness of issues relating to mental and emotional health. These include signs of emerging conditions, coping mechanisms and access to support services.  In most BAME households, people do not recognise tell-tale signs such as insomnia, irritability, amnesia or extrovert behaviour as possible signs of an emerging mental health condition. There is therefore a profound reluctance to accept the onset of a condition and therefore request assistance or support.

This is particularly true of BAME parents who do not or are unwilling to accept that their children are at risk of a mental health difficulty and need help. This is also the result of an inherent cultural resistance to accept mental and emotional health problems in the same way as physical health conditions are accepted.

Besstel has identified key community anchors it works with to educate, inform and advise the community. These community networks include churches, social or community groups, tenant associations, local radio and TV networks.  The BAME retail outlets also provide a useful resource for posting information on conditions and available support services

The Outreach team works closely with these institutions to educate members as well as act as referral points for those who need or require support.

Besstel has a strong community partnership arrangement with BAME radio and TV networks to host community discussion programmes on topical mental health issues. A key outcome of these sessions has been in improved early identification of emerging conditions among callers, enhanced knowledge in coping mechanisms and better knowledge in accessing Besstel’s community support network.

A key part of this media exposition is the Health and Wellbeing Show, a weekly Facebook and You Tube interactive programme aimed at educating the BAME population. This programme has a strong focus on preventative measures and coping strategies.

Besstel currently accesses some thirty (36) community households and individuals every quarter through its media platforms.