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Early interventional support using a community approach services

Besstel provides appropriate and early interventionist support using a community-approach service model that is non-clinical and has a strong focus on utilising the strength of social and community networks. The key networks employed are churches, social and community associations, social housing tenant associations. Local radio and TV networks are also important institutions in penetrating local communities.The community networks  are used principally  as support anchors in the  delivery of  education, information and guidance, particularly in the de-escalation of negative cultural stereotypes, discrimination and stigmatization of people who suffer from mental and emotional health problems.

The contextual outcomes of these pressures are mental and emotional health problems particularly anxiety, depressive conditions, panic attacks, self-harm, suicidal ideation, and aggressive behaviour. There are also pervasive contextual conditions such as drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence among adults and in children and young people, oppositional behaviour and eating disorders resulting in physical conditions of obesity.